The most internationally renowned South Korean filmmaker, Kim Ki-duk, has shot his latest film entirely in Europe, His camera follows the bizarre, disturbing journey of a young Korean girl who comes to Europe to search for someone she has to follow to Venice and Avignon.
A mysterious character who hides behind a gas mask follows her everywhere and harasses her all the time. –Festival de San Sebastián
Kim Ki-duk shot Amen entirely in Europe, His camera follows the bizarre, disturbing journey of a young Korean girl who comes to Europe to search for someone she has to follow to Venice and Avignon.
Cast: Kim Ye-na, Kim Ki-duk
San Sebastián (Competition)
About this movie
Title: Amen (2011)
Directed by: Kim Ki-duk
Date of birth: 20 December 1960, South Korea, Bongwha
Writing credits: Kim Ki-duk
Year: 2011
Country: South Korea
Language: Korean
Color: Color
Runtime: 72 min.