The film follows the journey of Kitty, the imaginary friend to whom Anne Frank dedicated her diary. A fiery teenager, Kitty wakes up in the near future in Anne Frank’s house in Amsterdam and embarks on a journey to find Anne, who she believes is still alive, in today’s Europe.
Cast: Ruby Stokes, Emily Carey, Sebastian Croft, Ralph Prosser, Michael Maloney, Samantha Spiro, Skye Bennett, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Stuart Miligan, Andrew Woodall, Naomi Mourton, Ari Folman, Nell Barlow, Maya Myers
About this movie
Title: Where Is Anne Frank (2021)
Directed by: Ari Folman
Date of birth: 17 December 1962, Haifa, Israel
Writing credits: Ari Folman
Music: Karen O, Ben Goldwasser
Year: 2021
Country: Belgium | Luxembourg
Language: English
Color: Color
Runtime: 99 min.