Synopsis“One Little Kiss,” the third film in a trilogy by Babman Farmanara, deals with the meaning of life and social issues in contemporary Iranian society. The film is about two writers, Shebly and Sadee, who axe old friends. Shebly lives in Iran and suffers from a terminal form of lung cancer. Late one night Shebly is writing a story about a character that is tying to exhume his father-in-law so that he can put the dead man’s...Cast: Reza Kianian, Jamshid Mashayekhi, Hedieh Tehrani, Jamshid Hashempour, Fatemah Motamed-Aria, Fakhri Khorvash, Payam Dehkordi, Hossein Kasbian
Country: Iran Language: Farsi Color: Color Runtime: 100 Min