In this luminous tale set in the area around Sarajevo and in Italy, Perhan, an engaging young Romani (gypsy) with telekinetic powers, is seduced by the quick-cash world of petty crime, which threatens to destroy him and those he loves. --IMDb
Cast: Davor Dujmoviæ, Bora Todoroviæ, Ljubica Ad¾oviæ, Husnija Hasimoviæ, Sinolicka Trpkova, Zabit Memedov, Elvira Sali, Suada Karisik, Sedrije Halim, Branko Djuric
Cannes (In Competition): Best Director, Queer Lisboa (Educação & Cidadania)
Read about this film
Title: Time of the Gypsies | Dom za ve¹anje (1988)
Directed by: Emir Kusturica
Date of birth: 24 November 1954, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia
Writing credits:
Emir Kusturica, Gordan Mihiæ
Music by: Goran Bregoviæ
Country: Italy | United Kingdom | Yugoslavia
Language: English | Italian | Romany | Serbian
Color: Color
Runtime: 270 min.