This movie is realistic! It is the first Iranian movie that is released in theaters and shows the underground in Iranian society, Graffiti, rap fans and drug abusers, rape and etc.
Although all are not shown explicity. if one wants to know how to smoke glass (ice, metamphetamine) this movie is a great lesson for step by step use!! Rap is shown to be a method for glib people!
The actors are mostly family members of the director in reality. This has made hugging of the opposite sex possible and the movie is more life-like than other movies usually made in Iran (the wife wears a scarf while in the house with her husband, and no physical touch occurs anywhere).
Maybe this is a good technique for showing having interaction with the opposite sex in Islamic movies. It might prevail.
It also shows that Iranian youth are struggling with the conflict between their religion and culture on the one hand and alcohol, drugs and sex on the other.
The most significant thing is that “love and attachment” are the best one can have in his life, not money or power!