This story begins with a wounded fugitive, Ghorbat. He struggles to get to the school where he used to study with his friend, Seyed, the son of the school caretaker.
He discovers that Seyed who used to be a young man is now an addict and working as an announcer at a play house. Seyed's wife, Fati works at the play house as an actress.
Seyed Hides Ghorbat and looks after his wound. Ghorbat tries to encourage Seyed to get his self confidence back so he can stand up to his overbearing landlord, and get rid of the local drug dealer.
Ghorbat would like Seyed to take the money he has been carrying and to pass it on to his revolutionary friends.
The police meanwhile have managed to find Ghorbat's hide-out, Seyed has the opportunity to escape unharmed but prefers to remain with his friend. The police open fire and totally destroy the hide-out.