A powerful film written & directed by talented Reza Allamehzadeh. Nominated for best foriegn film in international film festivals such as: Moscow, Montreal, Chicago..
The Guests of Hotel Astoria, is set in an Istanbul hotel that functions as a transit point between Iran and the Outside World.
Shohren Aghadashloo and Mohsen Marzban play a young married couple hoping to secure exit visas to Cuba.
Because the woman (Aghadashloo) has a brief affair with a terrorist at the Hotel Astoria, she is detained by the Turkish police.
Both the man and the woman suffer horribly before they finally arrive in New York, but one final ironic blow awaits them.
Director Reza Almaehzadeh, himself an Iranian refugee, knows whereof he speaks in the depressingly credible Guests of the Hotel Astoria.
Story of several Iranian refugees who share a hotel in Turkey after their departure from Iran during the early years of the Islamic revolution in order to seek asylum from Turkey to some Western European country or USA.
The movie shows the hardship and very sad days that millions of Iranian families have had experienced during 1980's outcome of the Iranian Revolution.