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Kianoush Ayari's film "The Paternal House" was again banned!
DW 28.10.2019
Kianoush Ayari's film "The Paternal House" was again banned. The conservative opposition has called it anti-Iranian and anti-religious.
Proponents have praised the film, while some others consider the basement where the girl's body is buried as a symbol of secrecy in society.
The Paternal House, directed and produced by Kianoush Ayari, was banned by the prosecutor's office.
The film, which was produced in 2010 and deals with honor killings and violence against women, was previously banned in it's first screen in 2014.
At the same time with the screening of the movie after nine years of confinement, pressures to stop the film re-emerged in the mainstream media, where former deputy director of cinema guidance Javad Shamghadri called the film a "cultural crime".
Ahmad Salek, a conservative MP and member of the Parliament's cultural commission, called the film inappropriate, and the conservative Kayhan newspaper wrote that the film "depicts a derogatory image of Iranians". (from Deutsche Welle)

From Tahmineh Milani's facebook
Woe to us!
We are tired of all this interference. From a government within government.
Iranian Cinema except for one or two controversial films, is full of trivial and mean comedies!
There are many artists who have cultural concerns!
Who is the enemy of national and cultural cinema?
I think some enemies have infiltrated the body of current cultural decision-making!.
The Paternal House was banned by direct order of the Prosecutor's Office.
Journalist Pejman Mousavi wrote on his Twitter: "The simple meaning of banning the movie is that even if the state's apparatus permits a movie to be released with substantial amounts of censorship and the movie is released, there are those who can bring the movie down with a command."
Now let's see how the Guidance office wants to stand up to its permissions!
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